CCP Digital Time Capsule

The CCP Digital Time Capsule is a web-based interactive timeline that tells the history of the Cultural Center of the Philippines from its inception in 1965 to the present. It contains curated features on insights, perspectives, and stories about the CCP’s history, leaders, achievements, and work for Philippine culture and the arts. The Time Capsule is divided into two timelines: the CCP Timeline, which is the overarching narrative of this time capsule, and the Art in the Time of COVID-19, a sub-timeline born out of the current pandemic situation.

The Art in the Time of COVID-19: A Timeline project is a web-based interactive timeline that chronicles the artistic and creative responses that occurred during the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) imposed upon by the national government to contain the spread of the coronavirus.

It chronicles a crucial period in Philippine and world history, reflects how the pandemic has abruptly affected the art scene in the Philippines, and showcases how artists, art communities, and ordinary citizens cope with the current situation using any modes of art available.